Sesame Broccoli

Sous vide at 90°C/194°F for 20 mins


1. Cut & season

Set your sous vide to 90°C/194°F

Split your broccoli in half (or into florets if you’d prefer).

In a mixing bowl coat with:

2 tsp sesame oil,

salt & pepper

1 tbsp sesame seeds.


2. Sous vide

Sous vide at 90°C/194°F for 20 mins. Broccoli has a lot of air between its florets so you need to weigh it down - I opt for a jug of water (same temp as the sous vide).


3. Pan fry

Pan fry in hot sesame oil until golden & serve with some more sesame seeds & drizzle with my sesame-soy sauce:

4 tbsp tahini

1.5 tbsp vinegar

2 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp water

1.5 tbsp honey

Whisk together in a bowl & drizzle om your broccoli.